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Electromedicine Track - 2003 American Academy of Pain Management Meeting

Product Description
This 4-DVD set encompassing 6 ½ hours of lectures on microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) and cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) was presented at the American Academy of Pain Management’s 2003 annual meeting. With eight distinguished speakers, this is the most comprehensive course available on the subject on film. Now you can watch it at your leisure and share it with others to help educate them about MET and CES technologies. The lectures are moderated by neurobiologist and world renowned expert on electromedicine, Daniel L. Kirsch, PhD, who also presents three lectures. Additionally, neurosurgeon Pierre LeRoy, MD provides a brief talk on the history of this therapy, prosthodontist Michael Singer, DDS speaks about central sensitivity syndrome which helps explain why Alpha-Stim gets such good results on a wide variety of seemingly unrelated disorders with an emphasis on migraine headaches, psychiatrist Rose Marie Pitt, MD speaks about her experience and provides fascinating cases where Alpha-Stim has controlled patients when drugs have failed, anesthesiologist Howard Rosen, MD speaks about how much better than drugs Alpha-Stim therapy is for fibromyalgia and headaches, anesthetist and pain specialist Michael Perry, CRNA, PhD speaks about his personal and professional experiences with Alpha-Stim, veterinarian Ava Frick, DVM gives a fascinating talk about her work with animals and the human-animal bond, and Steve Mann, PhD discusses how he has incorporated Alpha-Stim into his pain management practice and had it accepted by brand name into the scope of practice guidelines for psychologists in his state.